Ketika ingin melamat kerja, pasti ada beberapa hal yang harus di siapkan misalnya CV atau Curriculum Vitae yang dalam Bahasa Indonesia berarti Daftar Riwayat Hidup. CV atau bisa juga disebut Resume merupakan hal penting yang harus disertakan atau di lampirkan dalam berkas lamar pekerjaan. Definisi Bahasa Inggris secara lengkapnya dapat dilihat di bawah ini :
1. Definition
CV / Resume is an important written document that contains a curriculum vitae or personal data based on experience, qualifications in a particular field, and achievements that have been achieved with the aim of submitting it to the company when applying for a job.
Tentu dalam CV juga harus tau apa aja sih struktur-strukturnya? Nah struktur tersebut jug sudah di jelaskan dibawah ini secara singkat dan jelas, dan pastinya dalam Bahasa Inggris
2. Structure
Ø Personal Details
Contains personal details or identification, full name, place, date of birth, home address, contacts that can be contacted. Write down this information in as much detail as possible.
Ø Educations
Contains detailed information about educational history. Also include your major, year you graduated, and your final grade. So that the company knows whether your educational history matches the qualifications they need or not.
Ø Job Experiences and awards:
Don't forget to include experience or awards in the form of work achievements complete with descriptions.
Ø Personality
Introduce yourself like the organization you follow or your hobby. That way, the company can also know whether you are suitable for the position you are applying for or not.
Jika di simpulkan dalam struktur terdapat data pribadi, riwayat pendidikan, pengalaman, penghargaan, serta hoby. Kalau dalam penulisan CV ada ketentuannya juga ga sih? Tentu ada dong, Ini nih penjelasan ungkapan dan kalimat yang harus diperhatikan ketika membuat CV :
3. Expressions/Sentences
· Show
that you have a highly experienced.
He is a member of the Law Society and a highly experienced lawyer.
· Proven
Managerial Skills.
An ability to work under pressure and proven managerial skills are required.
· Motivated
Or Self-Motivated.
In secondary school, I was motivated to work on various class projects and
· Be
Last week I suggested an innovative idea to my supervisor.
· Show
your excellent communication skills/a good communicators.
Customer service representatives require excellent communications skills.
· Professionals.
She's always been professional in her dealings with both customers and
· To
Use a Creative Approach (to Problem-Solving).
They used a creative approach to make their idea into a successful business.
· Have
a good organizational skills.
In this position, good organizational skills are required to be able to manage
a heavy workload.
· To
Have Strong Attention to Detail.
Every member of our finance team must have strong attention to detail to keep
accurate financial records and minimize mistakes.
· Self-Starters.
We're looking for a highly motivated self-starter with excellent communications
skills, both written and oral
Jika kalian ingin melamar kerja dan sedang membuat atau mempersiapkan dokumennya. Jangan lupa buat juga CV nya ya. Berikut beberapa hal yang harus kalian perhatikan sebelum membuat CV atau Daftar Riwayat Hidup.
4. Things that need to be Considered when making a CV
a) Pay
attention to what to write first.
b) Pay
attention to the writing and don't make typos.
c) Make
your CV attractive and easy to read, if you have written down everything you
need for a CV.
d) Don't
be too long, writing a list of achievements and jobs we have previously
achieved in a CV.
e) Take
advantage of CV templates.
Berikut contoh CV yang saya buat sebagai referensi atau gambaran kalian membuatnya juga. Pesan saya buat CV yang menarik dan tidak monoton ya, agar peluang kalian di terima kerja lebih besar.
5. Sample
Itulah beberapa penjelasan singkat serta contoh tentang
Curriculum Vitae (Daftar Riwayat Hidup) yang di tulis dalam Bahasa Inggris, Bagaimana
cukup mudah bukan? Semoga tulisan ini bermanfaat ya. Sampai Jumpaaa…